Short Stories

Short Stories


a short story

#Psychological Thriller #Sci-Fi

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Piper lives an ordinary life under the dome that encompasses her community and her home ever since she could remember. The thing responsible for keeping her behind the glass watches them all via collars on their necks. Everything remains fairly normal until members of the colony begin mysteriously falling ill. Piper attempts to be the voice of reason among a colony of panicking people, but when one of them is called to The Sphere, no one is consolable.

Read for free on Vocal now through December 29, 2021!


“One of the best and arguably the worst ways to end a short story is by leaving it open for interpretation. The symbolism and emotion enveloped in this apocalyptic story is akin to Mother! and “Divergent.” There are allusions to politics, humanity, greed, and I am certain many more specific to the reader. This climactic short story is one I could see being dissected in literature classes, due to its allegorical nature.” — Kilynn